Jumat, 05 April 2019

History of Diamonds

History of Diamonds
Image source: https://blog.brilliance.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/history-of-diamonds1.jpg
For most of the people, diamonds are just a precious stone that is used for making various delicate and beautiful ornaments such as diamond necklaces, diamond bracelets or diamond rings in India. But none of us has ever wondered the history of these beautiful yet strong jewellery stones. Let us quickly explore the essential elements from the history of the diamonds.

Diamond History:

Before we talk about the history of diamonds in relation to humans, we should explain how the history of a diamond started. The conditions for the creation of diamonds are rare and specific. Diamonds form when unique criteria are met and happen. The fact that these conditions are rare is important. After all, if diamonds formed under local conditions, they wouldnt be as valuable as treated by humans. Essentially, diamonds form when carbon-bearing materials are exposed to high pressure, maintaining low temperature and similar environment. There are only two places on our planet where these conditions can occur, including the mantle found below stable continental plates and the site of a meteorite strike. The word diamond which symbolizes love, and bond, and symbolizes the hardest substance. Therefore, diamonds are known for its strength and hardness and are popularly known as the hardest stones than all the available stones. They are widely used in some commercial purposes and as well as in Jewelleries. And diamond jewellery wear by men and women both.

The diamonds were found in the 4th century BC in India. During the ancient times, the diamonds were used for cutting tools, polishing element and even in some medical treatments. It was later when the world realized the value of the diamonds and then they were used as ornaments. The diamonds have always been known for their strength and hardness; hence, they were also used by some warriors for getting protection against the enemies in the war.

According to brilliance site, diamond and coal hold a lot of similar characteristics. Both the substances are made of carbon. Now, the big question that arises is that if both the elements diamonds and coal are made of carbon, then why there is a difference in the two substances. The answer to this is very simple and lies in the composition of the carbon atoms. Diamonds are formed when one carbon atom combines with four other carbon atoms and is subjected to high pressure and temperature.

India was considered as the only source of diamonds until the 18th century. India had a plenty of diamond mills at that time which was considered as one of an essential source of diamonds. Though, India still has many diamond mills that are capable to meet the requirements of diamonds throughout the world. But, later many other sources were identified which contained elements and potential of delivering diamonds. Brazil was one of the major sources of diamonds along with India during the 18th century.

Earlier because of lack of modern technologies, the only source of diamonds was the natural source that is mining the diamond mines or digging the earth's crust to find the valuable stone. Also, the diamonds found with the natural ways were of high quality and did not contain any sort of deformation or contamination. They were in the purest forms. But, with the changing times and with the advancement in the technology, the world has found many types of machinery and equipment for developing the diamonds with artificial ways. Though, the pressure and temperature conditions are kept the same.

Because, of the use of many artificial methods and ways for making diamonds, the diamonds formulated with the artificial means and ways often contain some deformation and tints which are perfectly hidden with the ways of polishing and production advancement in the process of diamond generation.

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