Jumat, 05 April 2019

Change The Face of Menopause

Change The Face of Menopause
Image source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/08/26/23/2BABF84200000578-0-image-m-8_1440627777798.jpg
Healthy Hormones presents: The Menopause Relief Advisor Program!
What matters most is what YOU believe. And believe me when I say you can change anything, including menopause. Menopause is merely a word. A word given to the ageing process of a woman. Changing the face of menopause is achievable simply by looking at this time in a woman's life in an entirely unconventional way. Instead of focusing on "mood swings, hot flushes, depression and anxiety" perhaps this process should be viewed as a wondrous time of self-awareness and self-development. In doing so, all woman can be healthy, happy and totally fulfilled at that certain time in their life (around forty years old and over). More importantly it can all be done naturally.

My research leads me to view that many women aged 40+ are looking for answers to why they feel fat, sad, depressed, bloated and alone. The fact is though despite whatever challenges women face at this age, they all face the challenge of ageing. For some this very process is psychologically challenging. Many women find the battle confronting because they have never accepted anything less than being totally healthy and in control.

While genetics can play a major part in the overall health and wellness of a woman, the power of thought can be the catalyst that makes a difference. For a woman to age with style and dignity it is important for her to appreciate that thoughts of yesterday actually create the results of today. Relieving early, during or post menopause symptoms is no exception. All women 40 plus can be as strong and as vibrant as they want to be, because it all starts with how you think.

Morris Massey is a world renowned sociologist who identified that most people are given their beliefs they take with them through life between birth and seven years of age. He referred to this as the "imprint stage" and said it formed the beginning of what is stored deep within one's unconscious mind.

Now, think back to a time when you were a small child and remember what your mother told you. Take a moment to see how your mother lived her life. Her lifestyle habits and her language formed the basis of your beliefs today.

Let me share my own experience. My grandmother started what many referred to as the change of life at 36 years of age. I remember my mother telling me some horrific stories of how depressed, sick and unpleasant Nana was, even to the point that she was sent away for six months. I grew up with the belief that by the time I got to that age, I too could possibly suffer like my grandmother. Then one day, when I was 36 and feeling a little (actually, a lot) hormonal, I took myself off to the doctor. I had convinced myself and started convincing him, like my grandmother, I was going through the change of life. My doctor laughed me out of the surgery. Unlike my grandmother, I didn't go through menopause until I was 44, and have often wondered why she went through it so early and I, so much later.

What it showed though was I was convinced menopause was going to start the same time as my grandmother, and I too, like her would find it painful and difficult.

While thoughts create certain outcomes, it's rather difficult to imagine a single thought could balance your hormones enough so that you do not suffer hot flushes, night sweats, depression, bloating, cravings, emotional outbursts, mood swings, aches and pains, a lack of energy, low libido and concentration and a loss of strength, fitness and lean muscle mass. The human body and its intricate complexity of systems, processors and functions make you think that it is harder than what it really is to overcome these potential outcomes. Yet all it takes is a single thought to begin a transformation to balance, beauty and harmony.

The Menopause Relief Advisor Program takes a holistic approach to ageing. It provides extremely effective natural methods to help this niche market change the way they think about ageing and puts in place new strategies that can create synergy between mind and body. The Program is designed to optimize your 40+ clients performance and assist them in developing new unconscious beliefs that are consistent and congruent with their desire to enjoy the ageing process and to be free of all the ill-health symptoms linked to the dreaded big M.

It is scientifically proven that once a woman reaches 40+ the physiological changes that take place effect her physical and psychological functioning. This can affect every single woman 40+, the symptoms of ill-health vary and of course ones perception of ill-health is dependent on the woman. Values, beliefs and attitudes are challenged and must be addressed. Women need to understand what they did in their twenties and thirties is quite different to what can be done in their forties, but it must not be viewed as a negative or a restriction. Simply viewed from a different mind-set. It is important for this niche market to be immersed in the proper environment so the correct information is received. Furthermore, the ability to absorb and maintain the information is essential if good health and wellness is to be sustained. Reprogramming negative beliefs, fears and limiting decision is where we need to start.

With creative marketing in place you can become a one-stop anti-ageing clinic. Women can be nurtured and education can demonstrate how you can support the bodys autogenic, self-healing systems in removing causes of nutritional deficiencies, sedentary lifestyles, hormonal imbalances and negative belief barriers. By embracing this new awareness you can develop a higher level of understanding and be vigilant in caring for the mental, physical, emotional and social health of your clients.

The Healthy Hormones Menopause Relief Advisor Program is a personal, one-on-one package to suit each womans model of the world. It provides motivation, information, resources and support within its framework and creates positive changes in a womans life.

The core fundamentals of the Menopause Relief Advisor Program are The Seven Ps to Anti-ageing - thought, exercise, nutrition, relaxation, toxins, balance and mind-set. And because Healthy Hormones guarantees results the following 6 points form part of the philosophy of these Seven Ps to Anti-ageing. * Decide to take control * Commit to being healthy and happy * Have the discipline to take specific action * Focus on you and what you truly want * Surround yourself with people that are supportive and of like mind.

And, Know that sometimes you to do what you have to do before you get to where you want to be When you reprogram your mind with new empowering information, your mind automatically goes looking for what it needs to fulfill the desire at hand. So when a woman replaces limiting beliefs that keep her sick, sad, fat, old and depressed with the belief of I love myself and I am healthy, happy and totally fulfilled....then that is exactly what she becomes. A positive belief in the mind of a women 40+ who is experiencing the unique challenges that are known only to her has the power to change her life (and the amazing thing is that a beauty of a smile as the power to change the physiologic structure of her hormones).

Lets change the face of menopause so women everywhere can embrace this wondrous time with enthusiasm and celebrate being a woman 40+.

The Healthy Hormones programs provide all that a woman 40+ needs to age gracefully and the success of the program is due to the fact that the beauty within is defined by the wisdom that can only belong to a woman 40+. Susan Sheehan www.menopausereliefadvisor.com www.healthyhormones.com.au

Chicken Coop Designs-4 Secrets to Building a Chicken Coop

Chicken Coop Designs-4 Secrets to Building a Chicken Coop
Image source: http://whymoms.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Chicken-Coop-Collage-10-Tips1.jpg
When building a chicken coop, a much overlooked factor in the productivity of your birds is how you design your chicken coop.

Chicken coop designs will also impact enormously on the longevity of the coop and the well being of your birds. In this article I will look at 4 factors that you must consider before starting your project. The purpose of this article is to allow you to build your chicken coop at the most economical cost without cutting corners to the extent that you are only storing up trouble for the future.

Secret 1-Mobile or Static
If the protection of your birds from predators is a big issue where you are located you may decide that the best option for you is a mobile or portable coop. This will allow you to keep and eye on your birds from predators and if you only have only a small number of birds and they are family pets to a certain extent, then the mobile coop might be your choice.

Secret 2-Ventilation
You will need to ensure adequate ventilation for your birds but you will also need to ensure that it is not toA Cheap Chicken Coop-4 Factors to considerA Cheap Chicken Coop-4 Factors to considero exposed to the elements such as wind and rain. A happy bird is a productive bird and the use of adequate ventilation and space for your birds is a critical factor.

Secret 3-Materials
There is no doubt that there are all kinds of cheap scrap materials that you can use for your coop but for the long term you are better off making the investment now in good timber and a good sturdy coop which will withstand the elements.

Secret 4-Location
Where you locate your coop is very important as a coop that is exposed to tough weather will take a large toll on the coop and the birds. Where flooding occurs in your yard should also be looked at and you need to ensure that your coop is not prone to flooding.

These 4 factors must be considered when looking at chicken coop designs. There are other factors of course such as light, feeders, accessories, water supply and so on and a good set of building instructions and where to find the most appropriate materials are also key.

Discover the other factors which you need to consider when looking at chicken coop designs. Building a Chicken coop fast is an informational site which looks in greater detail about building your chicken coop run by a fanatical chicken breeder.

Stop by http:// BuildingAChickenCoopFast.com for all the details that you should consider which will save you money in the long run and ensure a healthy supply of free range eggs and chicken.

Chicken Panini Recipe, an Innovative Breakfast Meal for Your Family

Chicken Panini Recipe, an Innovative Breakfast Meal for Your Family
Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/2f/2f/fb2f2f1708a4f216123de8c3e1dfefea--bistro-food-hotdogs.jpg
Being a mother or a wife is a very tough job. You are in-charge of everything in the house. You have to look after your children and husband's needs. Doing the groceries and cleaning the house must be done on a regularly basis. The hardest part is planning for your meals everyday. This is critical because you have to be as creative as possible. You do not want to serve your family the same food every day of the week. It has to be different and attractive in order to get them to eat.

Normally, the kids are the ones that tend to be picky when it comes to food. If you still have little children, your recipes must be interesting and nutritious at the same. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it should be a healthy and nutritious meal. You need to give them something that has enough energy to last for the whole morning. One great suggestion for this is making a healthy and delightful panini recipe. One nice thing about this recipe, it cuts your usual cooking preparation in half and you will still have more time to bond with your family while eating.

Here is an easy-to-do Grilled Chicken Panini Recipe that will add variety to your usual breakfast meal.


4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
8 slices of Italian bread
8 slices Mozzarella cheese
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 tomato, sliced
Italian dressing

Set the griller to a medium-high heat temperature.
Mix the chopped rosemary, garlic powder, salt and black pepper together.
Brush the chicken with olive oil and add the mixed seasonings on it.
Place a small amount of oil on the grill grate and cook the chicken for about 7 minutes. Wait for the juices to get clear and for the chicken to be well cooked before you remove it from the grill. Then allow it to cool for 5-10 minutes.
Slice the chicken pieces about half an inch and sprinkle the pieces and bread with Italian dressing.
Put the tomato, cheese and chicken on the bread. Brush the bread with olive oil and put it on the grill.
Cook the panini until the cheese melts. Then remove from the grill.

To turn this meal into a 5 minute meal, cook your chicken ahead of time and freeze it cooked. When it's time to make your panini, place the cooked chicken in the microwave to defrost it before you place it into your Panini.

Pair your panini with fresh fruit juice or milk and your kids will enjoy a full-packed breakfast. You can also serve these delicious concoctions for lunch or dinner. Change the chicken to pork of fish if you want to be more experimental. It will then be a new recipe that your family will definitely crave. Just remember when planning a meal, try to be adventurous and innovative. Your family will thank you for it by cleaning off their plate.

Sabrina Rocca
Author: Easy Panini Recipes
For more great panini recipes and tips, visit http://www.easypaninirecipes.com. Easy Panini Recipes contains over 50 easy to follow, step-by-step panini recipes that will make anyone look like a gourmet chef!

Conducting Effective Training Workshops

Conducting Effective Training Workshops
Image source: http://petertantraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/training-socso-DSC_7878.jpg
Conducting effective workshops is one of the constant challenges facing all trainers. We will try to look at the most effective ways to conduct workshops, ways that will make the workshops not only valuable for the attendees, but valuable and rewarding for trainers too.

In order to conduct training workshops effectively, we need to consider the following elements:
Basic Principles of Adult Learning
Arranging the Training Room Environment
Effective use of Selected Training Tools
Facilitating the Training

We will look at things that you can do in each of these areas to make your workshops more effective.

Basic Principles of Adult Learning

Before we can conduct any workshop training effectively, we need to know how adults learn, so that we can apply some very practical principles to our training.
People learn well, when they are motivated. Anything that you can do to motivate or encourage people to embrace the training will enhance its value. Some things that you can do are: stress the importance of training, emphasize the importance of on-going development, and emphasize the investment that the company is making in the trainees. Training needs to be motivational to be effective, it should not be like army boot camp.

Active trainee participation also enhances training effectiveness. Team activities, role plays, group exercises, all contribute to training. Remember, adults learn best by doing, so keep the slide lecture presentations to a minimum.

Structured, step by step practice is essential for effective learning. Build practice activities into every training session when possible. Practice sessions are especially effective in skills training.

Feedback on the results of training is critical. Feedback on how achieved performance compares to the standards of performance, is very important.

Recognition of the differences amongst trainees and customization of the training to fit the trainees needs, is the best approach. Well designed self study materials (CBT, videos, manuals, books), can be very effective, because trainees can use them at their own pace, and they take into account different trainee learning styles.

The chronological order in which the material is presented is very important. It is a good idea to present simpler easier topics, before moving on to more difficult topics. The best method of training also needs to be considered. As a general rule of thumb, self-study materials are better for knowledge, and skills are best taught through practice sessions, role-plays, and workshops.

Emphasizing how training can apply to other situations (ie, real world) is a critical element. Demonstrating this relationship, and how the training can be applied to everyday work situations, brings value to training.

Shaping behavior through recognition and rewards, reinforces training. Rewarding trainees for desired behavior along with positive feedback are essential to effective adult learning.

Arranging the Training Room Environment

Matching the training room to the type of training program, can increase overall training effectiveness. An example of this is, tables and chairs arranged in classroom style, conveys a message of formal training. Various round tables with chairs around them, convey an environment of teamwork and problem solving. Which environment do you prefer? Selection of the training room set up depends on a variety of factors, such as: the program objectives, number of participants, activities involved (team exercises, role plays, etc.).

The Open Circle configuration is a very effective one. Participants would be seated in a horseshoe pattern at various round tables in the room. This configuration allows the participants to face the front of the room, where the trainer is. This set up works very for between 8 and 60 participants.

Diagonally angled rectangular or square tables with participants facing the front of the room, is almost as good as the open circle configuration, it too can handle between 8 and 60 participants.

U-Shaped or V-Shaped configurations are also good, because they allow the trainer to move into the group to solicit more interaction, but they are both for smaller groups of 20 or less participants.

Square Configurations (Open or Closed) with participants sitting around on all four sides, are effective for 20 participants or less, and work well for group discussion and team development activities.

Rows of tables or rows of chairs, all facing the leader in the front of the room are good for formal presentations and large groups.

Whichever room set up or configuration that you decide on is up to you, but try to fit it to the program, the number of participants, and also how much space you have. It is a really important factor that can set the tone of the training.

Effective Use of Selected Training Tools

We will look at some training tools that can be used very effectively in workshop situations, flip charts, video projectors and computers (Power Point Presentations), overhead projectors, transparencies, video cassettes, role-plays, simulations, small team activities, games, etc.

I like to use as many different training tools as possible in workshops. In fact, I find that the more of them that you use, the more effective the training is. Different tools, different activities, all make for a session that has a lot of flow and movement, and thus avoids participant boredom.

Power Point has really changed the world for trainers and all business people alike. What a great tool, you can put together presentations on short notice and if you do them yourself, virtually at no cost. This is a great training tool that you can and should use, but use it wisely, and dont make your workshop an entire Power Point slide lecture. The Power Point presentation is most effective when run through a video or LCD projector.

Another tool that becomes very personal and allows you to get close to your trainees, is flip charts. Flip charts are a great way to stress certain points, to demonstrate things graphically, and a great way to get people working in group and team activities. Make use of flip charts whenever you can.

Overhead transparencies and projectors are old tools that have been around for a long time, but they too have their place in todays workshops. Overhead transparencies allow you to keep the room lit without turning down the lights, and they can be easily altered or changed. I particularly like overhead transparencies for meetings with small groups of people 8 or less. I also like overhead transparencies for group or team work activities, where each group or team needs to present to the entire class.

The last tool that I am particularly fond of is videocassettes. I cannot imagine conducting any type of workshop without video. Video brings life to workshop training sessions. The ideal way is with custom designed videos for products, skills, etc., but there is a whole slew of off the shelf videos, many in different languages, that cover a wide range of topics. Take your video, some Power Point slides, flip charts with some group exercises, and you have an entire workshop.

Role- plays are one of the most effective tools in any workshop. Remember, adults learn best from doing, so what better way than role-plays. Role- plays provide a great opportunity to practice skills, knowledge and techniques. Role-plays are realistic, and bring the real world to youre your training workshop. If you can video tape your role-plays, even better yet, since it provides good instant feedback. Role-plays are an important part of a workshop.

Simulations are another great tool that you can use, in workshops. Basically there are two types of simulations, paper and pencil, non computerized simulations, and computer based simulations. The paper and pencil simulations usually begin with a specific environment, such as a doctors office or a sales reps territory. Then problems based on the simulated environment are developed to help the participants practice skills. These simulations frequently contain large amounts of data in the form of a case study or Data Book. The participants usually work in small teams , groups of four to six people, to solve the situation. There is usually a scoring system, so that participants can get feedback on their decisions.

Computer based simulations are the latest craze, they work very well in a workshop environment. Since these simulations are computerized you are able to process large amounts of data very quickly and project business activities over a few years time span. The computer based simulations lend an air of objectivity to your training workshop activities, if you have the budget, use them.

The last workshop tool that I want to mention is games. Games are a lot of fun and everyone enjoys them. Games get a lot of participation from the group, and games make people laugh, and we all know that laughter is healthy. There are various books called Games That Trainers Play, there is also a book with games and activities that I highly recommend, its title is 75 Ways To Liven Up Training. Slip in a game or fun activity into every workshop.

Facilitating the Training

Facilitating and running the training, is a critical part that you can play and control in every workshop. There are three basic things that you need to do, to run an effective workshop:
Establish rapport with the group
Use questions
Know how to handle difficult participants

The best ways to establish rapport with the groups, is to learn their names, make eye contact, and encourage participation. Create a non-threatening environment, let everyone speak their piece, while keeping an eye on time.

Use of questions can help you enormously in your workshop. Questions help get and keep a conversation going. Questions can also clarify a participants comment, this is especially helpful in building rapport.

Difficult people in workshops usually take on two different forms. There are those who do not participate at all, and those who participate too much and constantly challenge you. For those who do not participate, ask them questions to get them involved and have them speak about their experiences, make them team leaders, so they have to be more involved.

When you have participants who do too much and challenge you, let the group handle them, turn their questions/ideas over to the group for comment. Put them to work, let them head up a team or group.

If you follow these recommendations, you will be off to a good start with all of your workshops.

Cooking - Kitchen Guide, Pot and Pans

Cooking - Kitchen Guide, Pot and Pans
Image source: http://g04.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1938YJVXXXXaoaXXXq6xXFXXXh/Millenarie-Cookware-Warm-Series-SUS304-Stainless-Steel-Kitchen-Cooking-Pots-and-Pans-3pc-Cookware-Set.jpg
There are a number of essential pieces of appliances that are necessary in order for the kitchen to be fully utilized. For example a refrigerator as one of cooking appliances is important to preserve food. In every kitchen we can see a refrigerator which helps the food to stay for long time and by keeping them fresh. The refrigerator is one of those miracles of the modern living which changed our life to a great extent, as this comes with built in water and ice dispensers on the outside of the door that are easily accessible

Also, in order to cook food there must be appropriate equipment in the kitchen to make it happens. Most kitchens generally are equipped with a stove. In order to cook the food, the individual usually has a set of cooking pots and pans. There are available in variety style and manufactured from various substantive. Variety of kitchen pots and pans are available on the market today. They have own unique feature for each, for example handles, lids, etc.

Each of manufacture kitchen pots and pans has many differently advantages. It depend to the consumer's cooking style of the individual or the cooking situation. Such as, copper pots and pans are probably the most efficient cookware when it comes to cooking. This is because copper is a great conductor of heat. Cookware on the other hand offers terrific benefits and gives great easy cooking.

Before buying the pans and pots, make sure that the material conducts well with heat. It should be able to cook food evenly, be chipping or cracking resistant and should have non-slip grips, insular handles on both the lids and pot handles. Lids should fit tightly. Check also if it is dishwasher safe. Most pans and pots are made of either aluminum, copper, anodized aluminum, stainless steel, enamel cookware, cast iron, and non-stick.

Aluminum is the most popular because it is one of the more affordable materials. It heats up the pans evenly and quickly. It comes with non-stick surfaces and very easy to clean. And best of all, this material is lightweight that tools and utensils made from this is easy to carry around and manipulate.

Anodized aluminum, compared to aluminum, is denser and harder. It is because it is treated with electrochemicals. Cookware made from this material has surfaces that are scratch resistant and hard. It does not react to food acids and has a "non-stick" finish.

The iron cookware on the market today is the best cast, it is usually available in a variety of color choices for today's design conscious kitchen. You can take this stylish enamel cookware right from the stove or oven and directly to the kitchen table or dining room because it is a great show piece, unlike traditional cast iron cookware which has a more rustic appearance to it. Cooking Kitchen Guide and Happy Reading.

Definition Seminars and Workshops

Definition Seminars and Workshops
Image source: http://www.essaypedia.com/images/in-his-poems-browning-often-explores-the-dark-side-of-human-nature-analyse-at-least-two-poems-paying-attention-to-both-form-and-content-in-which-browning-explores-mans-capacity-for-evil-13037.jpg
Whats the Difference Between a Seminar, Workshop and Conference?
What You Name Your Event Can Communicate Volumes About the Experience

Seminars, workshops, conference, symposia, user conferences, summits -- the type of events you can host are varied. Choosing the right description for your event is critical because it communicates volumes about the type of experience your participants can expect.

To ensure that youre fully leveraging the marketing power of your event title, select the type of event that best fits the experience you want to create. Heres a quick explanation of each type of event.

Seminars are educational events that feature one or more subject matter experts delivering information primarily via lecture and discussion.

Free Seminars are an increasingly popular way to generate qualified leads for your business. Many professionals and organizations recognize that the best way to convince prospects of their expertise is to deliver high-quality education and, therefore, deliver free seminars that are high in content. Others, however, use the promise of free education to lure information-seeking prospects to a sales pitch. As a result, many prospective customers are wary about attending a free seminar for fear of being subjected to a high-pressure sales pitch.

Introductory or Preview Seminar implies that there is more to come after this particular event. This can be a good way to name free events that are designed to give prospective attendees a taste of what they can expect in a larger, more expensive program.

Workshops tend to be smaller and more intense than seminars. This format often involves students practicing their new skills during the event under the watchful eye of the instructor.

Hands-On Workshops typically involve participants doing work on a particular issue during the program. The promise is that when they leave, theyll have at least a rough plan or tools in place to address the challenge.

Conferences often features keynote presentations delivered to all attendees, as well as multiple break-out sessions. Attendees often expect to receive information about industry trends and developments.

User Conferences are gatherings hosted by providers of products and services to educate and build relationships with their customers. Attendees learn about product enhancements, as well as new and advanced strategies for using the product to achieve business goals and solve problems.

Trade Shows or Expos are exhibitions where vendors can display their goods and services in hopes of generating customer leads. Typically held at least annually, these events are a good place to discover trends and developments in a particular industry.

A Symposium is typically a more formal or academic gathering, featuring multiple experts delivering short presentations on a particular topic.

A Summit is a gathering of the highest level of leaders and experts.

Teleseminars are seminars that are delivered via a conference call over the telephone and/or over the Internet. The instructor moderates the call, while the attendees listen. To engage listeners, many instructors provide outlines, notes sheets or copies of PowerPoint slides to follow when listening to the presentation.

Webinars or Webconferences are presentations that involve an audio and video component. The audio portion of the event is delivered via phone or over the Internet, so that participants can listen via their computer speakers. The video portion of the event is delivered via the Internet, giving participants a presentation to watch while listening to the instructor.

When determining how to label your event, consider the type of presentation you want to deliver. Also consider what your competitors are doing. If your niche is already crowded with seminars, position your event as different by increasing the level of instructor-attendee interaction and making it a workshop or by involving other experts and offering multiple breakout sessions to transform it into a conference.

By carefully choosing the words you use to describe your event, youll be able to subtly communicate the benefits of participating and attract the right kind of attendee for your event.

'Diet' Myths Debunked

'Diet' Myths Debunked
Image source: https://thenoakesfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Myths3-1-800x1354.jpg
A diet seems more like punishment than anything else, filling most of us with dread. You imagine starving yourself, feeling lethargic, constant cravings - and having no fun at all. Even though the end result of a diet should be something to look forward to, just the thought of starting one can put you off.

Is there a solution to dieting? If you want to lose weight, you are bombarded with hundreds of diets, programs and miracle pills that promise to make you lose weight and get back into shape, almost overnight. Unfortunately, most of those promises involve unrealistic if not unhealthy methods that result in weight loss that only lasts as long as the diet.

Let's go over some of the myths and debunk them!

1. Low calorie diets

The calories that we ingest when we eat provide our bodies with the nutrients they need to create energy. The diet theory is that reducing your calorie intake will force your body to burn up fat reserves in order to make enough energy to sustain you. There are two problems with this theory. The first is how much to reduce your calorie intake, an amount that varies due to individual differences in metabolic rates. Reduce it by too much, and your body goes into 'starvation' mode, with your metabolism slowing down to conserve energy rather than burning fat.

The other concern is that your body needs calories to burn calories - if you reduce your intake drastically, your body does not have the energy to burn fat never mind keep you functioning optimally.

Reducing calories is vital if you want to lose weight, but you have to be sure that you are still providing your body with the nutrients it needs to keep you alert, energetic and healthy enough to burn fat.

2. Low fat diets

The association between body fat and the fats in your diet leads to a quick leap to the conclusion that all fats are bad. This is not the case, and in fact, your body needs some fats to perform vital functions. The trick is to identify the good fats and eat those, and reduce the bad fats to a minimum.

Good fats are fats that lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in your body. They include monounsaturated fats such as those found in nuts and in avocado, canola and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fats, which contain Omega 3 fatty acids, are found in salmon and fish oil as well as soy, corn and sunflower oil and are good fats.

Saturated fats raise our bad cholesterol, and are therefore considered 'bad' fats. These are found mainly in animal products like meat and dairy products as well as in eggs. If you are not vegan or vegetarian, then avoiding these fats is a little more difficult, but possible if you are vigilant about trimming visible fat off meat, and eating skinless poultry and healthier types of seafood.

Be careful with 'low-fat' dairy products, and check the labels carefully, as they often have added sugar to improve the taste.

3. Low carb diets

An excellent source of fiber and energy, carbohydrates are an important part of a balanced diet. Refined carbs have had much of that goodness refined right out of them and retain empty calories with no nutritional value. Any white bread or goods baked with white flour, white pastas, sodas and most candy products contain bad carbs.

Good carbs are high in fiber, give you energy and will make you feel full - really great if you're trying to lose weight! Whole grain breads, cereals and pastas contain good carbs, as do fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and beans.

4. 'Eating only one type of food' diets

Your body should - run like a well-maintained machine. You need fats, carbs, proteins, and even sugar, to keep your body functioning properly. Cutting out any food group causes an imbalance and leaves your body lacking in whatever it normally gets from that source. Diets that recommend eating, for example, just grapefruit, can be harmful as they starve your body of all the nutrients provided by the other food groups. It may make you lose weight in the short-term as your body has to find those nutrients in fat reserves. However, as soon as you start eating a combination of food types again, your body will store as much as it can to prepare for another 'famine' - and you pick up all the weight again!

Few of us can afford to visit dieticians and doctors for advice on what to eat, and we cannot all become nutritionists. The right weight loss program, based on healthy nutritional guidelines and eating habits, will help you work out what you should be eating. There are many programs based on sound nutritional information designed not only to help you lose weight, but to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well.

Find out about programs that will help you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle - we review several, including the Diet Solutions Program that provides a solution to diets. Just what we need!

Change The Face of Menopause

Image source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/08/26/23/2BABF84200000578-0-image-m-8_1440627777798.jpg Healthy Hormones presen...