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What matters most is what YOU believe. And believe me when I say you can change anything, including menopause. Menopause is merely a word. A word given to the ageing process of a woman. Changing the face of menopause is achievable simply by looking at this time in a woman's life in an entirely unconventional way. Instead of focusing on "mood swings, hot flushes, depression and anxiety" perhaps this process should be viewed as a wondrous time of self-awareness and self-development. In doing so, all woman can be healthy, happy and totally fulfilled at that certain time in their life (around forty years old and over). More importantly it can all be done naturally.
My research leads me to view that many women aged 40+ are looking for answers to why they feel fat, sad, depressed, bloated and alone. The fact is though despite whatever challenges women face at this age, they all face the challenge of ageing. For some this very process is psychologically challenging. Many women find the battle confronting because they have never accepted anything less than being totally healthy and in control.
While genetics can play a major part in the overall health and wellness of a woman, the power of thought can be the catalyst that makes a difference. For a woman to age with style and dignity it is important for her to appreciate that thoughts of yesterday actually create the results of today. Relieving early, during or post menopause symptoms is no exception. All women 40 plus can be as strong and as vibrant as they want to be, because it all starts with how you think.
Morris Massey is a world renowned sociologist who identified that most people are given their beliefs they take with them through life between birth and seven years of age. He referred to this as the "imprint stage" and said it formed the beginning of what is stored deep within one's unconscious mind.
Now, think back to a time when you were a small child and remember what your mother told you. Take a moment to see how your mother lived her life. Her lifestyle habits and her language formed the basis of your beliefs today.
Let me share my own experience. My grandmother started what many referred to as the change of life at 36 years of age. I remember my mother telling me some horrific stories of how depressed, sick and unpleasant Nana was, even to the point that she was sent away for six months. I grew up with the belief that by the time I got to that age, I too could possibly suffer like my grandmother. Then one day, when I was 36 and feeling a little (actually, a lot) hormonal, I took myself off to the doctor. I had convinced myself and started convincing him, like my grandmother, I was going through the change of life. My doctor laughed me out of the surgery. Unlike my grandmother, I didn't go through menopause until I was 44, and have often wondered why she went through it so early and I, so much later.
What it showed though was I was convinced menopause was going to start the same time as my grandmother, and I too, like her would find it painful and difficult.
While thoughts create certain outcomes, it's rather difficult to imagine a single thought could balance your hormones enough so that you do not suffer hot flushes, night sweats, depression, bloating, cravings, emotional outbursts, mood swings, aches and pains, a lack of energy, low libido and concentration and a loss of strength, fitness and lean muscle mass. The human body and its intricate complexity of systems, processors and functions make you think that it is harder than what it really is to overcome these potential outcomes. Yet all it takes is a single thought to begin a transformation to balance, beauty and harmony.
The Menopause Relief Advisor Program takes a holistic approach to ageing. It provides extremely effective natural methods to help this niche market change the way they think about ageing and puts in place new strategies that can create synergy between mind and body. The Program is designed to optimize your 40+ clients performance and assist them in developing new unconscious beliefs that are consistent and congruent with their desire to enjoy the ageing process and to be free of all the ill-health symptoms linked to the dreaded big M.
It is scientifically proven that once a woman reaches 40+ the physiological changes that take place effect her physical and psychological functioning. This can affect every single woman 40+, the symptoms of ill-health vary and of course ones perception of ill-health is dependent on the woman. Values, beliefs and attitudes are challenged and must be addressed. Women need to understand what they did in their twenties and thirties is quite different to what can be done in their forties, but it must not be viewed as a negative or a restriction. Simply viewed from a different mind-set. It is important for this niche market to be immersed in the proper environment so the correct information is received. Furthermore, the ability to absorb and maintain the information is essential if good health and wellness is to be sustained. Reprogramming negative beliefs, fears and limiting decision is where we need to start.
With creative marketing in place you can become a one-stop anti-ageing clinic. Women can be nurtured and education can demonstrate how you can support the bodys autogenic, self-healing systems in removing causes of nutritional deficiencies, sedentary lifestyles, hormonal imbalances and negative belief barriers. By embracing this new awareness you can develop a higher level of understanding and be vigilant in caring for the mental, physical, emotional and social health of your clients.
The Healthy Hormones Menopause Relief Advisor Program is a personal, one-on-one package to suit each womans model of the world. It provides motivation, information, resources and support within its framework and creates positive changes in a womans life.
The core fundamentals of the Menopause Relief Advisor Program are The Seven Ps to Anti-ageing - thought, exercise, nutrition, relaxation, toxins, balance and mind-set. And because Healthy Hormones guarantees results the following 6 points form part of the philosophy of these Seven Ps to Anti-ageing. * Decide to take control * Commit to being healthy and happy * Have the discipline to take specific action * Focus on you and what you truly want * Surround yourself with people that are supportive and of like mind.
And, Know that sometimes you to do what you have to do before you get to where you want to be When you reprogram your mind with new empowering information, your mind automatically goes looking for what it needs to fulfill the desire at hand. So when a woman replaces limiting beliefs that keep her sick, sad, fat, old and depressed with the belief of I love myself and I am healthy, happy and totally fulfilled....then that is exactly what she becomes. A positive belief in the mind of a women 40+ who is experiencing the unique challenges that are known only to her has the power to change her life (and the amazing thing is that a beauty of a smile as the power to change the physiologic structure of her hormones).
Lets change the face of menopause so women everywhere can embrace this wondrous time with enthusiasm and celebrate being a woman 40+.
The Healthy Hormones programs provide all that a woman 40+ needs to age gracefully and the success of the program is due to the fact that the beauty within is defined by the wisdom that can only belong to a woman 40+. Susan Sheehan